Three tips to take care of your employees and increase their engagement

Are the changes in the post-pandemic world of work only positive? How are employees coping with the return to a new normal?

In this article, we see the negative aspects of the new way of conceiving work. Then we will give you three tips to take care of your employees, increase their involvement within the company and prevent them from going into burnout.

In the era of hybrid work, employee well-being takes on a completely new meaning.

In 2021, employees' daily stress levels have increased significantly as they feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and above all "controlled" by their career responsibilities.

At a delicate time like this, it's more important than ever for employers to keep their employees engaged. To do this, you need to focus on putting your employees at the center of your business.

In fact, in the past, employee well-being was centered only on physical health. Now it is oriented towards creating a culture of holistic well-being.

To keep up with this change, your business needs to switch the way it thinks about technology, which empowers your teams to perform at their best, and wellness solutions that keep employees engaged.

1. Offer flexible work environments

The concept of the "workplace" has changed over the years. Before, the workplace was a building outside the home, where you commuted every day to do your job.

Today the workplace can be almost anywhere: all you need is an internet connection.

To create a creative and constructive employee experience, you need to empower employees to do their jobs best in whatever environment suits them best.

Of course, it goes beyond providing a computer and a desk. It includes the workspace, tools, and guidance your team needs to do their jobs best.

Many employers have begun to take preventative measures to avoid employee burnout by providing more flexible work options, providing resources for mental and physical well-being, and making workloads more manageable for overwhelmed employees.

2. Choose a simple and easy to implement technology stack

The changes that have affected the world of work require new skills, mentalities, and behaviors, but, above all, new tools and technologies.

Overloading employees with too many new tools or changes can turn out to be bad, leading employees to reject the change or experience it badly.

To avoid this, you need to convince them that the change is to their benefit and that technology will help them. One way to do this is to accept the advancements of new processes and tools with enthusiasm.

Make sure any new integrated tools provide a positive user experience.

Everything you ask your employees to use should be easy to implement and adopt: avoid choosing a system that includes too many platforms and apps, complicating work-life, or slowing down procedures.

Instead, try choosing an all-in-one system to keep your workplace running smoothly.

3. Show your employees that you care about their health

The era of flexible working models has the potential to increase employee collaboration, performance, and productivity.

However, the opposite is possible, with negative implications for employee health.

The digital age can bring feelings of uncertainty and excitement alike.

Don't wait for your employees to adapt: ​​anticipate them by integrating the right solutions to help and facilitate them.

For example, you may notice an increase in screen usage time due to remote meetings.

Consider counterbalancing with specific health and wellness solutions. One way to do this is to provide a health care salary, which encourages employees to take care of their mental and physical health.

Some employees use this salary to purchase blue light lenses to reduce the risk of eye strain and headaches.

Others might use the allowance for a new desk or ergonomic office chair to support their back, neck, and shoulders as they work.

A healthcare salary is a simple and effective way to let your employees know you care for them. Prove that your company plays an active role in improving their health and wellness concerns.


Remember that empowering your employees today prepares them for long-term success.

Supporting employees is a significant ethical obligation that employers must fully embrace and embody.

Employees will remember how their company made them feel in times of crisis and change.

If you treat them right, you will pay off over time in terms of loyalty, trust, and productivity.

Caring for employee well-being will help create a corporate culture and avoid burnout.

This not only means that your employees will be happy and healthy in the workplace but also outside, becoming the first ambassadors of you and your company.